Thursday, June 26, 2008

Aren't we Friends?

So there we were, me and this co-worker who I had been hot after for a while. Looking back, I don't know why. He's a nice guy, that's not the issue. But he wasn't really my type, sotospeak. But we had this flirtation that I must have let go to my head, like champagne on an empty stomach. I initiated the whole thing, I'll admit that. I told him I was interested and he never said he wasn't.

We had even been out together a couple of times. It became evident that things weren't going to move in any direction at the speed of light. Okay, this is something that's going to be an effort. Do I feel like making an effort? Eh, why not. There was a whole lot of texting. Readers, I mean a WHOLE lot, all day, every day. Then phone calls. At least once a day. At least. And not just on my part either. One of us would call the other every day.

My dear readers, this went on for months... MONTHS! So I realize that "he's just not that into me". Okay, I liked him but it wasn't going to crush me that we weren't going to be an item. I surely didn't want to lose this great guy as a friend. We had "the talk". The "let's just be friends" talk. You know the one. Chances are, you've been on the giving or receiving end of "the talk". Either way, it's never fun. But that's okay, I'm a big girl. I know I'm not every guy's ideal. But we got along great. And "the talk" didn't stop the phone calls and texts. We had clearly moved into the friendzone. Not a bad place to be, we can all use another friend. And as a friend, he actually was a great friend. Was there to talk to, would ask me for advice, just your basic good friend.

Subsequent to "the talk", maybe two weeks later, I told him, "I really have to quit talking to you so much. I need to start spending more time with guys that are actually into me". I'm a red-blooded American woman people, I need a little lovin, touchin, squeezin! And if he's not going to give it to me, I will still be his friend, but I really need to spend more time with guys that want to love, touch and squeeze me. It doesn't take a phD to figure that out.

So yesterday less than a week after the above conversation, he texts me, "what are you doing?" I respond, "going to happy hour". Short story even shorter, he asks me if he can join me, I say sure why not, he shows up. We're going beer for beer. We eat dinner. The evening appears to be wrapping up and he says, "I think you're obsessed with me" with a straight face. WHAT? Did he really say that? Now folks, I have a very good friend who I tell my secrets to. I had told this friend three weeks prior, when this guy and I first said we were just friends, that I would no longer initiate any conversation with this guy, because I wanted to make it clear that I was clear that we were just friends. And I had stuck with it all but one time, when I had been having a bad day and wanted to vent. And now I'm obsessed? For lack of better words, dear readers, what the fuck? If he REALLY felt that I was obsessed with him, why would he invite himself to join me for happy hour?

He says part of the reason why I'm obsessed is because I texted him while I was on vacation. Ummm, hellooooo, he ASKED me if I would text him while I was on vacation. I believe his exact words were, "who will I talk to while you're gone?" I pointed out to him that while he was on vacation, I never once texted him, except for when he texted me, which was once.

In the light of a new day, and without beer goggles, I can only assume that he may have secretly, quite possibly subconsciously, continued texting and calling me because although he didn't really want me, he merely wanted me TO WANT HIM. Reminds me of that Sex & the City episode where Big says, "she can get ME, but I can't get HER".

Where does this end for the two of us? I don't know, folks. I can say this, he texted me this morning just to make sure we're "still friends". And of course, I agreed we are.